Hairfall Control – Homemade Hair Mask

by - October 04, 2013

Change of weather is seriously annoying and leads to various problems- Hairfall being one of them. Simply changing shampoos from Anti-Dandruff to Hairfall Solution doesn't help. Apart from good food intake, there are some home remedies, which are very easy to do.

I have a remedy which my best friend, Mrudula had told me. She read it in a newspaper.

Things you'll need-

  1. Curd/Yogurt- 3 tbsp
  2. Small Bowl
  3. Spoon or Brush
  4. Fenugreek Seeds (methi seeds) - 1-2 tbsp
  5. Water- 1 & 1/2 tbsp
  6. Shower Cap (optional)


  1. Take 1-2 tbsp fenugreek seeds (depends on the length of your hair), and soak it into little amount of water, and keep this solution overnight. 
  2. Next day, grind this solution into a paste. 
  3. Mix it with curd/yogurt.
  4. Apply thoroughly onto your hair with a spoon or a brush (or simply by hands). Make sure you apply more to the scalp.
  5. Keep the solution on your hair for an hour (or less). You can use a shower cap here, and then wash thoroughly with your normal shampoo. 
This remedy doesn't just control hairfall, but is great for volume and shine too.


1. You can see few seeds on your hair after the wash. So use this remedy, when you aren't going out of the house! 
2. The leftover seeds (or paste), is likely to fall off till the next day (hopefully). 
3. Much of curd is not good for your hair. But you can follow this remedy, once in two months. 

Any query?

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