Follow Me

by - October 07, 2013

A fun post about all the social networking sites I am on.

Who doesn't have an account on Facebook? And who doesn't wish to make a page on it? I have one too, and have a good amount of people who like it. Facebook page has become so important to me.That I always keep a check on it, and try to make it better, each passing day. I have a personal account with my name on it, plus, a page, too. 
  • Personal Account- Rutuja Bhagwat (I don't accept unknown people, and have a heavy privacy on it).
  • Fan Page- The Pretty City Girl // Loving this page so much. LIKE it, to get daily updates from my blog.

Twitter has been a perfect place to put one-liners. I have a good number of followers. The best part is, I have connected it to my personal account on Facebook. So all the tweets get posted there, automatically. That way I don't have to copy-paste my tweet in the 'what's in your mind' box on Facebook. 

A new addition to my list of social networks. I had an insta account since long, but never had an Android phone, or an iPhone. So wasn't active on it (I had 62 followers even then. Ha!) Now I use Lumia, but I'm glad there's this 6tag app, with which you can actually post images on Instagram. Wohoo! My Instagram account is locked, but send me a request, anyway, to follow.

I used Tumblr as my blog before this one. So it's special to me. I reblog many things (including favorite football team, Indian things, random stuff and favorite band). Follow me!

I joined it some two days back. Love the way it looks. Plus you have so many options to pin stuff. Follow me.

Many more sites yet to join. Watch this space for more! Happy Following. 

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