Follow Me
A fun post about all the social networking sites I am on.
Who doesn't have an account on Facebook? And who doesn't wish to make a page on it? I have one too, and have a good amount of people who like it. Facebook page has become so important to me.That I always keep a check on it, and try to make it better, each passing day. I have a personal account with my name on it, plus, a page, too.
- Personal Account- Rutuja Bhagwat (I don't accept unknown people, and have a heavy privacy on it).
- Fan Page- The Pretty City Girl // Loving this page so much. LIKE it, to get daily updates from my blog.
Twitter has been a perfect place to put one-liners. I have a good number of followers. The best part is, I have connected it to my personal account on Facebook. So all the tweets get posted there, automatically. That way I don't have to copy-paste my tweet in the 'what's in your mind' box on Facebook.
- dprettycitygirl (I couldn't get 'the' instead of 'd', because it was already taken by someone.)
A new addition to my list of social networks. I had an insta account since long, but never had an Android phone, or an iPhone. So wasn't active on it (I had 62 followers even then. Ha!) Now I use Lumia, but I'm glad there's this 6tag app, with which you can actually post images on Instagram. Wohoo! My Instagram account is locked, but send me a request, anyway, to follow.
- theprettycitygirl
I used Tumblr as my blog before this one. So it's special to me. I reblog many things (including favorite football team, Indian things, random stuff and favorite band). Follow me!
- (the earlier name of my blog was
I joined it some two days back. Love the way it looks. Plus you have so many options to pin stuff. Follow me.
- dprettycitygirl (again due to unavailability of 'the', I put 'd' )
Many more sites yet to join. Watch this space for more! Happy Following.