What to Pack in a Carry-On Bag
Nihau! I'm posting this right from China. Oh my goodness; Shanghai is marvelous! I loved the style statements of the girls (rather all women) here. And China has cute stuff, and that's the reason why these women look so gorgeous. And what to say about their kids? All of them are little Shinchans! Adorable.
So to start with the post, I'm pretty excited to show what was in my carry-on handbag to you guys. I hope you like it.
NOTE: After putting all these things inside my bag, I realised I could not carry this heavy bag for sure. So I took out most of the items to lighten my bag. You can use this list as a guide for packing your carry-on bag.

Hard disk: I dropped the idea of carrying my hard disk in the carry-on, because I thought I had lots of things to do on the plane anyway (such as read magazine, watch movies on the screen, write blog, and listen to songs). You can carry your own hard disk or pen drive (along with laptop) if you don't like the movies they generally have on the screens.
Napkin: Napkin is not really needed because everything is air conditioned, which also means no chances of sweating. Anyway, it is always good to have a napkin with you.
International sim card: I kept a Chinese sim card and Nokia Lumia pin inside a tiny tin container. I had thought of changing the Indian sim card to the Chinese one right at the airport, but well, I didn't.
Parker Pen: You know why I carried this; because it is the chicest pen anyone must've ever seen! And you need a pen while boarding a flight, and for all the procedures that you have to go through before. Please don't ask for a pen on the airport.
Camera USB chord: It was so useful. I transferred today morning's photos from my camera to the tablet; and later sent them to my cellphone via Bluetooth on Delhi airport! And, and, and, kept one of the photos as my DP on WhatsApp too.
Tablet Notebook and its cover: Nowadays if I'm traveling and I do not have an internet connection, I simply type the day's blog-post on a word document, and later copy-paste onto blogger page. Everything becomes easier then. I applied the same trick today as well. I wrote half a post on things to carry to China, but as the post was in tablet, and currently I am writing on laptop, I thought of publishing that topic tomorrow!
Camera and its cover: I love this camera. It seriously is blissful, especially to my Instagram account. I clicked the photos on the new Terminal 2 of Mumbai airport, and haven't really got my self back.
Sanitary Napkin: Always help yourselves and the female humans around you by keeping this with you!
Hand Sanitizer: C'mon; who is going to eat with dirty hands?
Hair Brush: I removed the hairbrush, because it was too bulky.
Dry Tissues: Use these for all the things possible.
Tablet Charger: As the tablet is brand new, I know it has a good battery life, still I carried its charger.
Private parts wet wipes: Sometimes you just feel gross. These wipes are handy in such times.
Chewing Gum Mints: Well I didn't use any; but if you're going to arrive in an important place, where people will come to pick you up, or directly you'll head to a meeting, then they are a MUST.
Lip Care: I'm actually a lip-care hater, but I have observed that air conditioners suck out the moisture off my poor puckers.
A magazine: The issue that you see in the picture is last year's. I hadn't bought a May issue the time I clicked these photos, but anyway couldn't delay the photo shoot because of one magazine. In today's flight, the lights were brighter only for some time, so I couldn't help but go through six to seven pages of advertorials, and one small page which was also an advertorial, but in a different form. So basically I read nothing.
Face-wash and bubble wrap: I should have used a face-wash, but I went to the loo, in ten hours, only twice. And I didn't want to cross pass my parents and go to the loo again and again; so I avoided it. And you know the reason behind the bubble wrap!
Diary: It surprisingly wasn't my idea to carry a diary! It was my mom's! I replaced this thick and medium sized diary with a smaller and a thinner one. (However I did not write anything in it.)
Novel: I kept this novel by Jane Austen in the check-in bag, because my handbag was heavy.
Wallet: I asked mom whether she had money, she said yes, so I thought there was no point in carrying a wallet at all.
Hair elastic: Must need.
Keys: I took my India house's keys as well as luggage's lock's key, and kept them in a small compartment of my handbag.
Glasses and its case: Nothing would've been as sad as not keeping glasses in my carry-on. Glasses are ultimate weapon to kill boredom (well at least for semi-blind people like me!).
What do you generally put in a carry-on bag?