Kirtans by Krishna Das

by - June 24, 2014

I'm currently lost in the tunes of Krishna Das's kirtans.

Krishna Das was born as Jeffrey Kagel. He is from US, and he flied to India. He got inspired by kirtans and yoga. That's when he started singing kirtans.

I'm crazily in love with the power and divinity in his voice. My brother introduced me to his kirtans. And I listen to them mostly when I'm down; these kirtans help me get peace and I slowly start forgetting pains or sorrows. You must have these kirtans in your playlists. I bet they'll pull you up.

Few of my favourite kirtans by Krishna Das:

Om Namah Shivaya

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Hare Ram Hare Krishna

It's totally on you to listen to them or no. If you want good music and peace, then do listen.

P.S. God is one. 

P.P.S. (Not promoting Hinduism.)

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