Goals {August}
Hello. August goals are serious ones:
- Maintaining Agenda | You need to peep inside my agenda! Nowadays, without my agenda, things don't work. I've saved in important dates, assignments, mails sent, replies received, reminders, birthdays, and many more tasks that keep me organized and updated with the ongoing life. I'm too excited to show you the working of Agenda 2015. The agenda is full of my handwriting, obviously with different inks. It also has stick notes, making the organization an amazing task.
- Balancing Work and College | I guess I've got an internship, but I haven't received the offer letter yet. Unless and until I don't receive it, I won't disclose the employer's name. When the internship starts, I will have to balance my college and work (and social life). I've already started planning strategies for a perfect balance.
- Freelance Opportunities | If my company allows freelancing, I would go for one (or two, if the work is less). I'll see how it goes for a month, and then continue it if I feel at ease.
- Reading Books | Praying really hard that my handbag is light enough to carry novels. I want to read whenever I get free time in my journey.
- Watching TV Shows | Currently, I'm watching Sex And The City, 90210, and Dragon Ball Z. I hope I finish watching many episodes altogether. I might copy few shows or films on my cellphone.
- Watching Movies | And yet again, I have to watch movies too. I've taken lot of romcoms from my classmate, and I have to finish watching them. Also, I've taken Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, and Twilight series, so I look forward to watch them.
- Saving Money | I have to save my money! I splurge it like a crazy person. I must save money. Once I'm successful at it, I'll write here.
- Investing Money | We had a guest lecture on Financial Solutions. Out of remaining media related guest lectures, this was the only one that wasn't related to media. I had honestly thought it to be boring, but I gained so much of knowledge! From that guest lecture, I learnt of investing money. I'll begin with a minimal amount, but it will be so much fun.
- Managing Expenses | I must manage my expenses like I did before.
- BFF's Birthday | Though my BFF is at Bangalore, studying, I will definitely wish her at 12. I miss her badly.
- Increasing Instagram Followers | (Rather, increasing social media followers.) I'm realizing that social media is an important tool for recognition. I've started researching on getting followers on Instagram. I wanna read more on this issue.
- Trying for Sponsors | I want to go out and get sponsorships for TPCG.
What are your goals for August 2015?