Goals-To-Achieve List // December
So a post on December, finally! Thinking of making new kind of post, every beginning of the month-writing down the landmarks to meet, the goals to achieve, or just random things. This list would actually be a sort of my to-do checklist. So here are some of the items on that list-
- 300 Likes // Currently, my Facebook page has about 278 likes. So I'm just waiting for the magical number-300-to hit the page. Let's hope for the best.
- Gift for Best Friend // I'm gonna look forward for a good gift for one of my best friends. It's her 19th birthday this month.
- Helping Mommy // I really need to keep this item in my Goals-To-Achieve List forever. I'm very bad at helping mom. I really, really need to help her in the households. I'm a growing up girl, you see.
- New Year's Party // So, we gonna organize one more event for the society-a new year party. So that's one of my things to do. I'm really gonna rock it (though 99% of the society members are old).
- Writing Resolutions // I'm gonna try for New Year's resolutions, though I'm very bad in following them.
- Preparing Agenda // The Agenda 2014 is almost ready with birthdays and anniversaries written, however, a neat check on it, must be done. (A post on maintaining Agenda coming soon.)
- Give, and Don't Expect // I seriously gotta work towards this line. It's just gonna make me happier and a more cheerful person.
Which items fall in your Goals-To-Achieve List?