Studying from Videos!
For Communication Theories paper, we have media and communication related theories. Few of them are so difficult to understand; I mean, I surely understand all the sentences that speak about the theories, but unless and until I'm satisfied with the explanation, I simply cannot jump to the next topic.
I went to YouTube and searched for the theories' explanation there; to my surprise, I understood them very well. I'll share a couple of videos explaining different theories, just so that you know how splendid videos work in actuality.
In the words of Walt Disney,
"Of all our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language."Indeed, these videos have proved this quote to be apt.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Argumentation Theory
Semiotics Theory
Have you tried studying from videos? How helpful did you find them?
P.S. I will write the blog on the 4th of December, i.e., after the completion of my exams, directly. The papers are back to back, hence I won't have enough time to study or write TPCG.