Customized Stickers for Sale!
I've always been wanting cute stickers. I did search a little, like on few online shopping sites, but that was it. I did not search like a spy throughout the world wide web or the stores nearby, as I always do. I just checked on few sites and then my instinct told me that I wouldn't find cute stickers anywhere here.
That's when I thought of designing my own. I wanted some memorable, daily stickers for my agenda. Now that I have my cute agenda 2016, I badly wanted stickers. I have taken few icons from the internet, so you can say, I did not draw or illustrate the icons, but just arranged, selected, and compiled them together. Deciding the number of icons was an irksome task as well. However, I loved the final outcome that came onto my hands, eventually.
So, yes. The stickers are up for grabs.
There are 4 sheets of A4 size. The price is Rs. 70. So you'll get 4 sheets for Rs. 70 only.
The good news is that you can CUSTOMIZE your stickers! If you're a sports freak, you can choose the logo of different football leagues and stick them on agenda or a calendar whenever your favourite club is playing. So, if today is Arsenal's English Premier League match, I'll stick the logo of EPL (BPL) sticker on today's date. If Arsenal is playing a match in the Champions League tomorrow, I'll put a logo of it on tomorrow's date. You just have to keep the fixtures table near you, and you're all set to mark the dates.
If you're a girl who visits the salon frequently, request me more of SALON stickers. If you do manicure-pedicure time and again, request me more of those stickers. If you want to convert your diary into a period's diary, request me more 'Pink Drop' stickers.
You can order as much sheet of stickers as you want, and I'll give you them at the best market rates.
If you're interested in buying the same set of stickers as mine, you can definitely do that. I'm uploading the images of all the four sheets below, and will also explain each icon that is there on the sheet. (Do ask me if you have a doubt regarding any icon.)
Heart - Dates
Pink Drop - Periods (First Days)
Cupcake - Birthdays, Anniversaries
Shoe - New Shoes Purchased
Scissors - Haircut
Salon - Salon Visits (other than Haircut and Manicure-Pedicure)
Two Cats - Lunch, Dinner, and Day Outs with Friends
Lips - Feeling Confident, Made Out
Piggy Bank - Salary Received, Bank Account Credited
Brooms and Bucket - Clean, Organize
New - New Object Purchased (Car, Mobile, House, Camera, etc.)
Girl Running - Match Days (Favourite Football/Cricket Matches)
Payment Due - Rent to Pay, Money to Return to a Friend
Tie - Interview, Meeting
Special Event - Events (except Marriages)
Two Rings - Wedding Ceremonies
Trophy - Achievements
A+ Mark - Result Day (Exam Result, Test Result, etc.)
Brush and Mascara Wand - New Makeup Item Purchased
Shopping Bag - Huge Shopping Haul
Nail Polish Bottle - Manicure-Pedicure Done at a Salon
Glittered Crescent Moon - Night-out, Sleepover, Special Night
Pencil - Intense Studying (Before-Exam Preparations)
Sad Smiley - Something Sad Happened
Heart Break - Breakup
Movie Tickets - Movies Watched in Theatre (preferably with a date, or a special genre movie)
Star - Holidays, Festivals
Red Exclamation - Reminder, Alert, Important
Coconut Tree - Vacation, Trips
Thumbs Up - Exam, Important Tests
Owl - Assignments, Project Due Date
You can send me icons or explain me how exactly you want the icon to be. It need not be just these small size stickers, but large stickers as well. You can get stickers up to size A3.
I'll upload how I used the stickers and how beneficial they are to me, very soon on TPCG. I might upload a video on YouTube too. Stay tuned and do request me any type of stickers you wish.
Goodnight. x
That's when I thought of designing my own. I wanted some memorable, daily stickers for my agenda. Now that I have my cute agenda 2016, I badly wanted stickers. I have taken few icons from the internet, so you can say, I did not draw or illustrate the icons, but just arranged, selected, and compiled them together. Deciding the number of icons was an irksome task as well. However, I loved the final outcome that came onto my hands, eventually.
There are 4 sheets of A4 size. The price is Rs. 70. So you'll get 4 sheets for Rs. 70 only.
The good news is that you can CUSTOMIZE your stickers! If you're a sports freak, you can choose the logo of different football leagues and stick them on agenda or a calendar whenever your favourite club is playing. So, if today is Arsenal's English Premier League match, I'll stick the logo of EPL (BPL) sticker on today's date. If Arsenal is playing a match in the Champions League tomorrow, I'll put a logo of it on tomorrow's date. You just have to keep the fixtures table near you, and you're all set to mark the dates.
If you're a girl who visits the salon frequently, request me more of SALON stickers. If you do manicure-pedicure time and again, request me more of those stickers. If you want to convert your diary into a period's diary, request me more 'Pink Drop' stickers.
You can order as much sheet of stickers as you want, and I'll give you them at the best market rates.
If you're interested in buying the same set of stickers as mine, you can definitely do that. I'm uploading the images of all the four sheets below, and will also explain each icon that is there on the sheet. (Do ask me if you have a doubt regarding any icon.)
Heart - Dates
Pink Drop - Periods (First Days)
Cupcake - Birthdays, Anniversaries
Shoe - New Shoes Purchased
Scissors - Haircut
Salon - Salon Visits (other than Haircut and Manicure-Pedicure)
Two Cats - Lunch, Dinner, and Day Outs with Friends
Lips - Feeling Confident, Made Out
Piggy Bank - Salary Received, Bank Account Credited
Brooms and Bucket - Clean, Organize
New - New Object Purchased (Car, Mobile, House, Camera, etc.)
Girl Running - Match Days (Favourite Football/Cricket Matches)
Payment Due - Rent to Pay, Money to Return to a Friend
Tie - Interview, Meeting
Special Event - Events (except Marriages)
Two Rings - Wedding Ceremonies
Trophy - Achievements
A+ Mark - Result Day (Exam Result, Test Result, etc.)
Brush and Mascara Wand - New Makeup Item Purchased
Shopping Bag - Huge Shopping Haul
Nail Polish Bottle - Manicure-Pedicure Done at a Salon
Glittered Crescent Moon - Night-out, Sleepover, Special Night
Pencil - Intense Studying (Before-Exam Preparations)
Sad Smiley - Something Sad Happened
Heart Break - Breakup
Movie Tickets - Movies Watched in Theatre (preferably with a date, or a special genre movie)
Star - Holidays, Festivals
Red Exclamation - Reminder, Alert, Important
Coconut Tree - Vacation, Trips
Thumbs Up - Exam, Important Tests
Owl - Assignments, Project Due Date
You can send me icons or explain me how exactly you want the icon to be. It need not be just these small size stickers, but large stickers as well. You can get stickers up to size A3.
I'll upload how I used the stickers and how beneficial they are to me, very soon on TPCG. I might upload a video on YouTube too. Stay tuned and do request me any type of stickers you wish.
Goodnight. x