Fitness Routine | February 2017

by - February 10, 2017

I'm just hoping you guys haven't read my yesterday's post; because if you have, then this post will be like deja vu--only that I'll talk in details about my current fitness routine.

I hate milk, and I detest warm/hot milk. But now I make it a point that I drink a glass of milk every morning. After I'm done brushing, I drink water. After few minutes, I take milk in a glass and add Shatavari Kalpa. I don't add sugar because Shatavari does the job. After milk, I eat whatever breakfast my mom has made.

After lunch, I consume green tea. It's usually an hour after lunch that I gulp it down my throat.

This is the main reason why I'm writing the post. After I stretch, I run on the treadmill for 2 minutes at the speed of 90 (9 kilometres/hour). After the timer is 1:45 minutes, I start feeling incredible--a bit dizzy and a bit sore. Those 15 seconds are the most challenging seconds of my life.
You have no idea how much fats I've lost due to this running. It's crazy! If you're looking for weight loss, run on treadmill. For the love of your future slim self, run on the treadmill!

After gym, I usually snack on a sandwich and banana. The sandwich is made of cheese slice, ketchup, and wheat bread. 

What's your fitness routine?

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