Ultimate List of Blog Post Ideas for Fun Days | March 2017

by - March 05, 2017

I thought of rounding up all the wacky days observed (particularly of USA). The days are as crazy as 'National Get Over It Day' or 'National Pack Your Lunch Day'. It's a fun activity as you can write on so many topics related to these fun days.
So next time you're out of topic, you know where to come!

National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
- Peanut butter recipes

World Compliment Day
- Compliment strangers and share experience

National Old Stuff Day
- A post about cleaning your closet and throwing old stuff
- Charity of old stuff
- Creating outfits out of old clothes

National I Want You to be Happy Day
- Make a vlog about making people happy
- A DIY greeting card that people can gift to people on this day

National Grammar Day
- Write a post of basic grammar rules (if at all you know any!)
- Collaborate all jokes related to grammar or grammar Nazis (and don't forget to give credits to the source)

National Multiple Personality Day
- Write about the things you can do or have done (write about how you were an all-rounder in school)

Learn What Your Name Means Day
- Share the meaning of your name
- Share any funny incidents about your name (someone misspelled it wrong!)

National Oreo Cookie Day
- Oreo cookie recipes

International Women's Day 
- Your struggles against patriarchy
- Interview a successful women and share on your blog
- Famous quotes by powerful women
- Throw a women's day party and share snaps (also ask each women to narrate any incident that made her proud to be a woman)

National Pancake Day
- Share your favourite pancake recipe
- Round up all Instagram pictures with pancakes in it

Mar 9
National Barbie Day
- Share your childhood Barbie collection
- Share story of your first Barbie doll
- Share your daughter's Barbie collection
- Make a list of your favourite Barbie movies

National Get Over It Day
- Share a story of how you got over a loss
- Round up of favourite break up movies
- Inspirational quotes

Mar 10
National Pack Your Lunch Day
- Share lunch box ideas
- Share a picture of what you're carrying to office/work today (picture of lunchbox)

Mar 12
National Girl Scout Day
- Share Scout stories

National Plant a Flower Day
- Plant a flower and share a picture of the process

Mar 13
National Jewel Day
- Share your jewellery collection
- Jewellery organization ideas

National Napping Day
- Share a story of a weird moment when you slept a lot or didn't sleep at all!

Mar 14
National Potato Chip Day
- Make potato chips at home and share snaps and recipe

Mar 17
National Sleep Day
- Keep all your extra work aside and sleep at 10:00 pm. Share your experience

Mar 18
National Awkward Moments Day
- Share your awkward moments

Mar 20
National Proposal Day
- Propose for a relationship/marriage/job and share story on blog
- Share your proposal story

Mar 23
National Chia Day
- Share chia recipes

National Puppy Day
- Adopt a puppy if you always wanted to...share a story
- Share pictures of your pup or of your dog when he was a pup (additionally, stories would be perfect!)

Mar 24
National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
- Make something with chocolates and raisins and share recipe

Mar 26
National Spinach Day
- Share your favourite spinach recipes

National Make Your Own Holiday Day
- Share your backpacking trip pictures and story
- Share your travel bucketlist
- Write an imaginary travelogue (from waking up in Himalayas to sleeping in boathouses in Kerala!)

Mar 28
National Black Forest Cake Day
- Bake a black forest cake and share recipe

Mar 30
National Doctors Day
- Share your struggles while becoming a doctor (if you are one!)
- Share hilarious stories at a clinic

National Pencil Day
- Use only pencils for one day and share experience

National Take a Walk in Park Day
- Take a walk in park and share pictures

National Crayon Day
- Draw something with crayons and share pictures
- Childhood memories of your first crayons
- Your child's crayon drawings


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