The Art of Keeping a Travel Journal
You might have pondered on how the travel bloggers are able to retain a jugful of information, especially when their trip was of a prolonged duration. We travel bloggers are no unearthly creatures with a dollop of superpowers; it's just that we keep a journal to record the happenings.
I have often been requested by my readers about how I can meticulously remember my trip and I always answer this: I keep a travel journal. You must then wonder how is it possible to carry a heavy journal when you are habituated of packing more than the required gear. Well, the solution to this is quite straightforward: I carry a mini journal.
Have you come across a rulebook that says it is compulsory for your travel journal to be a roomy, bulky book? I reckon not! Then why must you bother about the space your journal would require? Carry a mini journal with a pen and you're set to register your memories likewise.
To travel is to live and the reason we capture photographs to record the moments is precisely why you should keep a journal to record your voyages. The journal need not incorporate every bit of your journey, but the unmissable details like the dates, approximate timings, locations, restaurant names, and other features that captured your heart on the journey.
You might have coincided with interesting people on your trip or won a fortune to explore a lesser known route, all that should go straight in the journal. It's nowhere written that only travel writers should record – you should too.
If you're on a budget travel, the journal could easily be your alternative expense book. You simply need to mention the date and the expenses underneath that. I had used my travel journal on my recent Goa Gokarna trip to majorly note down the expenses and it turned out to be a wonderful method as I could preserve the story behind every rupee spent.
So I hope you are no more in a confused state of mind and learn the art of keeping a travel journey someday. Do share with me your thoughts on this and your experiences related to keeping a travel journal.