Turning into a Digital Nomad? Here's a List of Gadgets & Accessories You Need
The digital scenario seems to be changing with millennials quitting their jobs and starting their own businesses. Whether it is a start-up or freelancing their way to earn money, the newer generations are slowly turning independent. More number of people think that a full-time job is not their cup of tea and so they strive hard to come up with something that would help them stay away from a job. A few open cafes in partnership with their friends, a few take up photography and shoot weddings and the like, whereas a few espouse freelance projects like writing, social media marketing, graphic designing, coding, etc. This enables them to not have a fixed office and work from home, or at a coffee house, or even when they're travelling. This bunch is called the digital nomads.
For instance, in my case, I don't have a fixed office. I work from home, a resort, or sometimes even when I'm in the commute. I write blogs and promote my social media platforms remotely from any place, and at any time. I carry my laptop wherever I travel and start writing whenever I get the time. So you see, I neither have a fixed office nor fixed timings. I simply work whenever I have the mood (or whenever I have to meet a client's deadlines).
Because of my heavy dependency on e-communication, I need to be wise while picking my gadgets. I need to ensure all my needs are met and that the gadgets are travel-friendly (meaning they are lightweight and compact) and provide with my files whenever I demand. So if you're thinking of taking a new turn in your life, i.e., if you are planning to turn into a digital nomad, you need to have gadgets that suffice your requirements.
Who is a digital nomad?
Digital nomads earn their bread and butter through e-communication technologies in a nomadic fashion. This lot works from any place, so whether it is cafes, co-working spaces, libraries, or even outside their own country. For instance, in my case, I don't have a fixed office. I work from home, a resort, or sometimes even when I'm in the commute. I write blogs and promote my social media platforms remotely from any place, and at any time. I carry my laptop wherever I travel and start writing whenever I get the time. So you see, I neither have a fixed office nor fixed timings. I simply work whenever I have the mood (or whenever I have to meet a client's deadlines).
Because of my heavy dependency on e-communication, I need to be wise while picking my gadgets. I need to ensure all my needs are met and that the gadgets are travel-friendly (meaning they are lightweight and compact) and provide with my files whenever I demand. So if you're thinking of taking a new turn in your life, i.e., if you are planning to turn into a digital nomad, you need to have gadgets that suffice your requirements.
Few of the most important aspects while purchasing your travel laptop are its weight and battery backup. Even if you’re into heavy-duty designing/editing, get yourself a laptop that is lightweight yet highly functional. Meaning, your laptop should have enough storage space, a high-end graphics card, and should have a faster processor to avoid any lag while working. Considering these options might mean a more expensive product. But if you have that kind of money, then you can surely invest in a good laptop. However, if you don’t, then EMI is a good option.
For writers and bloggers, a basic laptop that’s lightweight would be ideal. I highly recommend the MacBook Air 13 inch laptop. Not only is it insanely lightweight, its battery backup is incredible. I own a MacBook Air 13 inch and I had bought it more than a year ago. Even today, the laptop stays put for hours together in spite of a heavy usage. For instance, last month, my laptop was at 100% and I watched two movies, two 45-minute episodes, and edited one blog post back to back, yet, at the end of all this, the battery was drained down to 23% only! I was using it continuously for two days and just see how brilliant its battery backup is! Also, the charging is quick too! Just put the laptop on charge for 15 minutes and the battery goes up to a decent percentage that can easily allow you to work for hours.
One major drawback of this laptop is its low storage space. So to tackle that problem, get yourself an external storage.
If you’re a photographer, editor, videographer, vlogger or designer, you probably require a lot of space to store your files. Due to the low storage capacity of my laptop, I could never save my old vlogs and had to delete them because of space crunches. However, I keep a hard disk with me to store (and reuse) old footages. I don’t require an external storage device when I'm travelling but if you have a lot of data, carrying a hard disk or a higher gigabyte pen drive is a must. Also, invest in a sturdy case to protect your hard disk.
This goes without saying but always carry your laptop in a cover. I carry mine in a laptop sleeve, which comes with a handle and an extra chained pocket to keep things like mouse, hard disk, charging cord, etc. I believe you should invest a little more in a laptop cover to ensure the laptop’s longer durability. Apart from that, if you have any other gadget like a hard disk, then get a case for that too, which would protect it from external damages as well as keep its wire organised. You can store your pen drives or additional memory cards in the hard drive case.
I know that the backpacks that come with laptops are not fancy and so you might think twice before carrying it on your trips. However, the good news is, you don't need to carry that boring backpack; instead, you can buy a backpack with a laptop compartment. You will get a ton of options, including your favourite colours and your favourite designs. It's not difficult to get such a backpack at all. I particularly deny regular backpacks because they don't have a space to store your laptop heedfully.
If your phone or camera do not support WiFi or Bluetooth transfer for some reason, then you unequivocally require cables to transfer your files to your laptop. There are some cables that come with multi-ports so you can thus avoid carrying a bunch of them. Some of those even possess charging ports, which are a great bet.
What would you add to this list?