2015 Agenda

by - December 08, 2015

Hi! I am so excited to show you my 2015 Agenda. I had purchased it from a Chinese online store, for around Rs. 250 only.

I have shared some snaps from the insides to explain how exactly I used it.

I have stuck a TPCG sticker because the front of the agenda was a boring, plain black. I liked it because of its interiors.

It has Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly calendars. It also has contacts, notes, and personal information pages.

In the Yearly view, I have tried my best to write the birthdays and other seminars and events in the small space provided.

Whenever the professors used to ask us to watch a movie or speak about a book in the class, I wrote them down in the Weekly view. This view had ample of space, and I used it to the maximum.

So, I was trying my best to get internship somewhere. I had sent around 15 mails, sending my resume. I had written down on a sheet of stick note all the persons/companies I'd sent the resumes. After getting their response, I stroke it off. (I'd got responses to most of the mails, but must have not updated it here.)

I used Notes pages to write down stuff, whenever I did not have a book around me.

How does your 2015 Agenda look like? How did you maintain it?

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